Free Trieste

Text of the State of the Free Territory of Trieste address on the 70th Independence Day

State of the Free Territory of Trieste
and of its international Free Port address
(15 September 2017, 70th Independence Day)

Text of the State of the Free Territory of Trieste address on the 70th Independence Day

This September 15th we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Free Territory of Trieste as independent State and member de jure of the United Nations by virtue of the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace with Italy of 10 February 1947.

Once again, this year the Free Trieste Movement celebrates this occasion with demonstrations on the border of State between the Free Territory of Trieste and Italy to remark the existence of this border, correctly signaled by the previous British-US administration, but not by the current provisional Italian administration.

Like last year, we would like to review the state of the Free Territory of Trieste and of its international Free Port, as well as the progress and results achieved thanks to the intense actions of the Movement to defend and to promote it.

During 2017 we refined some actions to complete those of the previous years.

In particular, when it comes to the defense of the Northern Free Port of Trieste, the Free Trieste Movement has offered full support to the interventions of the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste, which acts as office of legal and political-diplomatic representation upon delegation of citizens and enterprises of the Free Territory of Trieste and of other States.

Those interventions have allowed to block the attempted illegal housing speculation promoted by Italian politicians at the expenses of the international Free Port of Trieste, an outright aggression with which they would want to eliminate the northern sector of the Free Port at the expenses of the Free Territory of Trieste, of its citizens, and of the International community.

Also, those intervention made it possible connecting the fundamental rights of the citizens of the Free Territory of Trieste to those of the citizens of all other States around the world, with the decisive adhesion to the civil legal action for determination promoted by the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste revolving on the right of the administering Italian Government to establish and collect taxes in Trieste in the name and in the budget of the Italian State, or in the name and in the budget of the administered Free Territory.

And it is this very legal action, the first hearing of which is scheduled on November 27th, 2017, before the Court of Trieste, the Court of the Free Territory of Trieste, to represent the result of years of battles on the matter of taxes: NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

This was the battle cry of the Revolution that ended with the independence of the United States of America. Taxes forced by a Government to citizens that cannot be represented in their State are illegitimate.

And this is also the battle cry of out campaign of fiscal liberation, which started in June 2015 with the request to pay the fair taxes of our State: the Free Territory of Trieste. Not Italy.

They tried to label us as tax evaders. But those citizens who were and are struggling for the rights of their State proved once again that they are not afraid to exercise their rights. This is not tax evasion: it is pure and simple legality. Which, for instance, consists in the payment of fair taxes in one’s State, identifying with it and being represented in it: the Free Territory of Trieste.

And so, hundreds of those citizens were the ones who summoned before Court the Italian Government and all of its Fiscal Agencies: with no fear, because they stand with the law.

So let us continue with renewed effort and dedication our legal, political-diplomatic and informative action.

In facts, Free Trieste did an enormous job on line to promote the image, rights, and tax advantages of the Free Territory of Trieste and of its international Free Port globally, reaching hundreds of thousands of people with messages in fourteen languages.

Our goal is closer and closer.

Thanks to all of you for your attention, long life to Trieste, independent, free, and prosper.

Download the Address in PDF: English // Italian